Horse or Mule ~ Wither Tracing

Before you get started on your wither tracing you will need:

  1. A sheet of paper at least 8.5″ x 11″ and a flat surface to lay it on.
  2. A pen.
  3. A flexible curve (available at or the drafting supply section of Staples) or some kind of moldable wire.
  4. Someone to help keep the horse square and straight.

It is important that your horse is standing squarely on all four legs during this process!

  1. Find the very back edge of the shoulder blade where the bone gives way to soft flesh and then go 2 inches farther back.
  2. Take the flexible curve and mold it to the horse’s wither.
  3. Now trace it onto a piece of paper so we can evaluate it.
  4. Next, place a ruler next to the long edge of the paper.
  5. Take a picture.

You can then email the wither tracing to us. Please write your name and contact information on the tracing.

Horse or Mule Wither Tracing