Starting at just $2795. The sport of endurance riding demands the best in saddle fit and construction. Our Custom Endurance Saddles are built with less skirting and therefore weigh less. Less skirting also means the horse retain less heat giving the rider a competitive advantage. Our endurance saddles weigh approximately 20 pounds in a 15 inch seat. Even with a saddle pad, tack and a few trail items you’ll be easily under 30 pounds.
Endurance Saddles ~ Features
An endurance saddle usually doesn’t have a horn as they get in the way of the endurance rider when ducking under trees or riding uphill. As well, most endurance saddles have a stirrup with a wider platform to keep the rider’s feet more comfortable over longer distances.
The Synergist Endurance Saddle is rigged with a double billet system that pulls more from the center of the seat rather than straight down as in traditional Western saddle rigging. Western style rigging puts a lot of pressure in the front of the saddle, right behind the horse’s shoulder blades. This makes it hard for the horse or mule to move freely in the shoulder area. The double billet system on our custom endurance saddles also lies flat under the rider’s leg to eliminate chafing and irritation.
Saddle fit for the horse is a huge concern for the endurance rider because endurance riding demands so much from the horse. No one wants to get pulled from a ride at a vet check due to saddle fit problems. Riding to finish, riding to win or riding for Best Condition, we take the worry out of fitting your equine athlete with the use of the patented EQUImeasure Kit. With an EQUImeasure mold it’s just like having the horse right in the shop.