Western, English, Trail and Endurance saddles starting at only $2795. All of our custom horse saddles are built to order and the list of available custom options continues to grow. We don’t have models that you have to choose from. Instead, we have hundreds of custom saddle options to choose from. With our help you can design a truly unique, one of a kind saddle, and we will build it for you. Whether you enjoy competitive trail, endurance riding, cutting, reining, or just a pleasant Sunday afternoon trail ride, together we can design and build your dream saddle.
We will speak with you personally about what kind of riding you enjoy and your personal preferences before manufacturing your custom saddle to help you decide which options will best meet your needs. Contact us any time during the manufacturing process with any questions or concerns you may have. We’re here to build you the perfect saddle!
How we create your custom horse saddle
We use the patented EQUImeasure Kit to achieve an unprecedented level of custom fit for your horse or mule. Each saddle is also custom fit to the rider. Your individual measurements guide us in creating the perfect seat for you. No one gets a better fit than Synergist! But that’s just the beginning. Drawing on almost three decades of leather working experience when we go to work on your custom horse saddle we bring your vision of the perfect saddle to life for you. Quite a few of the options we have available were inspired by a simple customer request.
Our custom horse saddles are available in both Western and English styles. If you don’t see an option that you would like, please talk it over with us and we’ll do everything we can to make it happen for you.